And Finally, Fiji

We planned to use Fiji as a rest stop prior to heading home from our 13 week romp around the globe. I have visited the three largest islands of this Oceanic paradise on medical missions over the past four years, and thought it would provide the perfect closure to our unconventional meanderings. We Island hopped from Viti Levu to Vanua Levu to meet with my friend Maloni, Chairman of surgery at Labasa Hospital, and rented a 4X4 before heading to Savu Savu.

I thought it imperative to introduce Matt to the best chicken wings the world has to offer at the local Chinese restaurant. I had been building up these chicken wings the entire trip, comparing all others to the delight which can not be approached. Unfortunately, the wings were not quite as I remembered, good but not the best ever. So much for credibility. We did spend the night in the Grand Eastern Hotel where we were able to enjoy the pool, a bottle of beer and the evening. We departed the next morning for the trans-island pot hole ridden road to Savu Savu and the Daku resort. Savu Savu is a small village on the west coast of Vanua Levu, famous for its harbor and serenity. Our plan was to spend the hours swimming in the Koro Sea, gawk at the sunsets, consume the double strength kava we purchased in Port Vila, sit on the veranda greeting the people passing bye with a hearty ‘bula,’ and culminate with a four day reflection session. Unfortunately, it turns out my son is a magnet for mosquitoes, especially the Fijian variety, who are resistant to most organic repellants. This required a bit of mandatory indoors sequestration, and a modicum of swimming.

Blue Lagoon:


As this is my last post as a travel correspondent I find myself with few words left to describe the lush vegetation, friendly inhabitants, magnificent crystal clear waters, and sun soaked days we experienced. Each passing hour increased the terminal velocity of our trip, and the ever present final flight from Fiji to L.A. It is hard to comprehend how fast the days and weeks passed, but here we are flying home tonight, a bit heavy hearted, but happy for where we have been, who we have met, the food we have eaten,and the ablity to look at each other with good humor. Our days as peregrinations finally coming to a close.

Respectfully submitted

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